Who is Jesus to you?
Jesus is so many things to so many different people. For those who don’t have a relationship with Him, He may just be a man who died 2,000 years ago.
But He is so, so much more than that.
He did not only die a brutal, painful death for you specifically, but he didn’t stay dead! He rose again 3 days later.
He conquered death, sin, sickness, anxiety, depression, addiction, hatred. Through His death we have forgiveness, healing, restoration, provision, peace, freedom, love, joy.
Jesus can be your best friend. The one you turn to for everything. A shoulder to cry on. Someone who has already been through everything you’re going through.
Jesus can be your therapist. The one from whom you get your advice and wisdom. The one you can tell your deepest secrets in a safe place. Someone who can help you through your issues without judgement, with only love, gentle correction and a listening ear.
Jesus can be your teacher. The one who can make you better and perfect you. The one who can help mold you into who you’re supposed to be, leading by example the whole way. Giving you the answers to things
Jesus can the your answer to your afterlife. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John14:6) Accepting Jesus into our hearts and acknowledging His great sacrifice is the only way to heaven. We don’t have to work for it, that’s exactly why He died. We just have to accept and receive it. Then we can forever have peace of mind of where we are going after we die!
Jesus can be your love. The one who will love you tenderly without conditions. He is the best partner you could ever have. He will always have your back and have your best interest in mind. He knows you better than you know yourself.
Jesus can be your mirror. The one who reflects the truth of who you truly are and who you’re meant to be. He shows you how He really sees you. And He is who you want to look like and reflect.
Jesus can be your provider.
Jesus can be your healer.
Jesus can be your redeemer.
Jesus can be your peace.
Jesus can be your deliverer.
Jesus can be your savior.
Jesus can be your rock, comforter, leader, everlasting hope, trainer, coach, parent, waymaker, advocate, mediator, miracle worker, promise keeper, source, stress relief, truth, salvation, deliverer.
Jesus is the only one who can love everything you are despite everything you’re not.
Jesus can be your everything. Whatever you need, whenever you need it. All because He died for you and rose again.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Response Questions
1. Who has Jesus been to you in the past? Remember all the things He’s been to you
2. Who is Jesus to you now in this season?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for dying for me on the cross. What a beautiful sacrifice to give me life. I give you myself and I ask that you would be whatever I need whenever I need it. Help me to remember all that you did for me and all that you are. I love you and I praise you for all that you are.
In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.
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