![Devo #75 Who are your closest friends? Happily Ever Hufham](https://i0.wp.com/happilyeverhufham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Can-I-pray-for-hatred_-42.png?resize=342%2C512&ssl=1)
Whoa are your closest friends?
“Birds of a feather flock together.”
I never understood that phrase until I got older and realized it actually did matter who my friends were.
You see, whoever it is that you spend the most time with, that is who you become.
So who are you spending the majority of your time with?
I thought I was a strong Christian in my 20’s. But I began to spend more and more time with people who weren’t living the way they should be. It is so easy to get involved in drugs, partying, lying, drinking, cussing, gossiping and the likes when that is all your friends do or talk about.
It is not bad to be friends with people, but it is bad when we are spending the majority of our time with people whose choices aren’t challenging you to be a better Christian.
There are a few years of my life I wish I could get back, all because of who I spent my time with. It changed me. It made me tolerate more sin in my life. It made me excuse certain behaviors. It made me walk away from God for a short time.
God wants us to have community and to have close friendships and relationships. And the people we are closest to, need to encouraging us to be better and do better.
When I was in Bible school, I spent most of my time wit classmates and people from church. I was constantly challenged and encouraged to be even better. And then when I did hang out with people who weren’t Christians, I was able to be an example and minster to them.
You lose your credibility as a Christian when you spend most of your time with people who aren’t walking with the Lord, because you seem like you are walking the fence in both worlds.
I’m sorry honey, but you don’t get the best of both worlds.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
We need friends who sharpen us, want the best for us, and believe with us and for us. We are supposed to be holding each other accountable and having higher standards.
God wants us also to be friends with people who don’t believe what we do, because that is the best opportunity to show them the love of Jesus and minister to them. But they can’t be the people we are trusting for advice or Godly encouragement.
I challenge you to take a look at your closest friends and people you spend the most time with. Who are your role models? What do you want your life to look life? Do your friends and relationships have the same mindset on things?
If you don’t have a close-knit group of friends, you can find some in a small group at church or by going out and meeting people with the same interests.
I had to pray for friends for months, actually step out of my comfort zone and meet people.
Cut loose the people that hold you back. When I got rid of the people that weren’t encouraging me in my faith or that lured me into sin, I ended up becoming so free. If you aren’t growing spiritually or feel stagnant, take a look at the people you spend all your time with.
So, who are your closest friends?
Response Questions
1. Name the 5 people you spend the most time with
2. Who do you need to get rid of in your life? Who do you think you should get closer to?
3. Do you need to make new friends? How can you go about doing that?
Pray with me!
Father God, I want to have friends that sharpen me and encourage me to be my best. Help me to identify the people that hold me back and help me to spend more time with people who lift me up. I give you my relationships and ask you to illuminate the healthy ones. Thank you that you want me to have good friends. I pray you would bring the right ones into my life.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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