Who are you when nobody is watching?
I used to have an emotional overeating problem. I would hide food under my bed and in hiding spots, thinking I’d never be found out. But somehow, my mother always ended up finding the empty box of donuts or a candy wrapper stuffed in a drawer.
And the same goes for our sin. There is nothing you can do in secret that will not eventually be found out. Regardless of what you try to hide, eventually there will be consequences. You will be found out.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17
Doesn’t that verse make you want to live a Godly life behind closed doors as well as in the open?
I used to think that if nobody knew the sin I struggled with, it didn’t affect me or my life. But I was completely wrong.
Sin and secrets have a way of revealing themselves on on their own. Sometimes we forget that sin has consequences. The consequences are what tend to give you away, even if you never speak a word.
Your secrets are not safe. There is nothing hidden that won’t be disclosed or be brought out into the open, regardless of how careful you try to be to conceal it.
So what are you supposed to do?
Stay accountable to somebody who will challenge you and tell it to you straight. Strive for holiness in everything that you do. Be conscious of how you act.
None of us will ever be perfect but there is something so honorable about doing your best and allowing God to perfect you in your weakness.
So, who are you when nobody is watching?
Response Questions
1. What are things that you do in secret that you’d prefer to remain hidden?
2. What action steps can you take to change those things?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for the things that I hide. I want to live a life worthy of all that You are. Give me strength to break bad habits, to trust you, to live a holy life behind closed doors. I don’t want anything to hold me back from all that you have for me. I love you and thank you for your forgiveness and unending grace.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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