What would Jesus actually do?
As kids in church, we all would wear the “W.W.J.D.” bracelets to remind us to ask ourselves “What would Jesus do?”
I didn’t realize how much power was in that until recently.
I noticed I had a short fuse. I got frustrated so quickly. I was so quick to be angry. I got anxious over the silliest things. I felt physically sick all the time. I was broke. I struggled with the same issues over and over. I struggled with how I responded to people and problems.
And then I remembered that phrase What would Jesus do?
I started asking it all the time. What would Jesus actually do?
When you read through the Gospels in the New Testament, we see the life of Jesus. We see how he responded to things. We see what made him angry. We see what made him weep. We saw his selfless heart and his unbreakable faith. We saw his sacrifice for us.
And we are supposed to model our lives after his. That is what Christian means, little Christ.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21
One of the main things about being a Christian is to be more like Jesus. He wants us to follow in his footsteps! We are supposed to try to be more like him.
We need to start asking ourselves, “what would Jesus actually do in this situation?”
Would Jesus send that text?
Would Jesus talk that way about someone else?
Would Jesus want me to date this person?
Would Jesus say that?
Would Jesus watch this movie and be okay with it?
Would Jesus put this in his body?
Would Jesus tithe?
Would Jesus be okay with this?
Would Jesus stand for this?
If we all started living with this mentality of responding like Jesus would respond, our lives would be completely different. More people would come to know Jesus because of the Godly life we live.
None of us will ever be exactly like Jesus because he is perfect in every way. But it challenges us to go to the next level.
Remember that Jesus was loving everybody he came in contact with. He was selfless. He was always giving of himself. He was always in communication with God. He had his alone time to recharge. He was healing people everywhere he went and performing miracles. He was the best example of how we should live our life.
And he tells us that whoever believes in him will do the same works and even greater ones (John 14:12)! It’s time we starting modeling our lives after the one who loves us without conditions and who cared enough to die for us personally.
It’s time to start living a Jesus lifestyle and asking ourselves What would Jesus actually do?
Response Questions
1. What areas of your life do you need to work on and be more like Jesus in?
2. What would Jesus actually do?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for me. Thank you for giving us the perfect example of your love and how to live life. Help me to think and respond like Jesus would. I want people to see the love of Jesus in me everywhere I go. Help me to live like that. I ask that you would use me for your glory. Thank you Jesus for your beautiful sacrifice. Help me to be more like you.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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