What if God was your only option?
I remember when I was a missionary in Africa. It seemed like there were miracles happening left and right. Everyone I was praying for was miraculously healed. I saw tumors fall off, deaf ears pop open, blind eyes see, club feet straighten out, lame people walk.
I remember asking one of my pastors why we were seeing miracles more in Africa then we do in America.
Because God is their only option.
The people we were ministering to were in such areas of poverty that they had nothing else to rely on other than the only option, the miracle power of Jesus.
Many of us only go to God when we are desperate and have no other options left. We have a sea of “other” options. We run to loans and use credit cards when the money is tight. We run to medicine and doctors when we are in pain. We run to bad habits to fill us when we are hurting. We run to certain people when we feel alone.
What if we ran to God first? What if we made Him our only option?
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
The Bible even tells us to seek the kingdom of God first! Before we max out the credit card, before we run to the doctor, before we make the mistake, before we sin.
We run to God first.
If we live a lifestyle of making God the only option, our faith would rise and our lives would be completely different. We would see miracles. We would trust that God promises belong to us. We would no longer be living less than God’s best for us.
We have to stop relying on our own strength and abilities. We have to stop relying on things that don’t always help us.
God wants to provide for us, heal us, restore us, comfort us. He wants to be our only option because it gives him the opportunity to reveal himself.
I was feeling so sick a week ago, so much so that I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. The pain was so severe and it scared me. I went to go grab any medicine I could find to relieve the pain until I remembered that Jesus died so I didn’t have to have pain. There is no debating it. By His wounds I was healed.
So I immediately spoke to my pain with authority and claimed the promise of healing over myself. The pain immediately subsided and went away. God was my only option because I refused to go to the hospital for something Jesus already brutally died for.
It’s a beautiful thing when God becomes you’re only option. It opens you up for a life of miracles and allows God to show all the beautiful things he can do!
So, what if God was your only option?
Response Questions
1. What things do you turn to instead of God?
2. How can you start making God your only option?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for making other things an option when you’re promises are true. Help me to make you my only option in a sea of options. I want to live a miracle life. I want you to use me for your glory. I waI want my life to revolve around you. Right now I make nt my life
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