Today was the worst day. It was like thing after thing and I couldn’t catch a break.
I woke up 1lb heavier, no biggie but it was frustrating because I never changed anything in my diet other than eating slightly later dinner than usual.
I called off the morning at work for a dermatologist appointment. A few days ago, a cyst appeared and grew to the size of a golf ball. I was so red and swollen and was having a hard time being able to work out or even move my arms. I couldn’t sleep and it was swelling at an abnormal rate.
So I went to the doctor’s this morning to see what the issue was.
When I showed the doctor the swollen cyst, she gasped. I winced as she examined it.
She said that had I waited one more day, I would have ended up in the emergency room to get IV antibiotics and it could have turned into something much worse, like sepsis.
She decided to drain it.
I’m not going to go into disgusting details, but we will just say that I screamed bloody murder as she cut into me and the whole waiting room clapped when I came back out after hearing me scream.
I then came home to finding out my new work schedule. It was the opposite of what I wanted but I have to roll with it I guess.
AND THEN, I had issues with picking up my prescriptions (that I need like right now to get this infection under control) and have them transferred to a different pharmacy, which took hours on the phone.
It was a day.
I wont be exercising the next few days and I will be resting throughout the weekend.
I need the rest. I don’t want to irritate my open wound and I need to just cool it for a few days.
That was the first thing I said, “How am I supposed to exercise and lose weight over the next few days if I can’t exercise!?”
But what I can do, is enjoy the rest. I can still eat as healthy as possible. I can still walk and do some little things. I can learn to deal with not beating myself up just because I can’t exercise.
I choose to have a good attitude. I am alive. I am healing. I am resting. I am no longer in extreme pain. I am a work in progress. I am getting better. I am renewing my mind. I am taking time to love myself even if I can’t exercise.
I am learning so much about myself on this weightloss journey.
Life is only 10% life and 90% how we react to it.
I am choosing to react with a good attitude no matter what is thrown my way.
We have to give ourselves grace and leniency on the journey.