Today is day 29 and in the past ten days, I have lost ten pounds! I feel great!
I would have lost more had I not overeaten over the weekend, but not going to say “what if” anymore. The past is in the past and I am only moving forward.
Today I want to discuss one of my favorite topics, New Years Resolutions and goals.
Every single year, I write out a list of New Years Resolutions that I hope to complete throughout the year. I separate it into categories like Physical, Business, Finances, Spiritual, and General goals.
I have completed a few, but nowhere near what I wanted to accomplish.
Most of us take the last few months of the year to slack off, eat whatever we want and forget the goals, cause hey…life is busy and it’s the holidays.
But I woke up this morning thinking, why should I even waste the last two months of the year. I don’t wanna sit around and make up excuses. I can still go for my goals EVEN if I don’t complete them by the end of the year or a specific date.
I will still be that much closer to reaching the goals even if I start now.
I may not be able to read through the entire Bible by the end of the year, but I can get through 75% of it.
I may not be able to say I rode the Peloton bike 100 days in a row, but I can do the first 60.
I may not be able to get pregnant by the end of the year, but I can prepare my body as much as possible.
I may not be able to run that 5k I wanted to run, but I can be one step closer.
I may not be able to lose 100lbs by the end of the year, but I will be that much healthier.

Whatever your goals were for the beginning of the year, it is not too late to get started now. I know that we will want to make up every possible excuse to just wait til the new year starts, but it shows that much more perseverance and strength to chase after our goals now!
Let’s make these last 60-something days of the year count. We have one life to live. Let’s see how much we can achieve by going after it now, that way we really can cross some of those goals off our list for 2022.
No excuses!

Catch up on the journey so far!
The Weightloss Journey