Day 6
4/19 Starting weight: 270
4/24 Today’s weight: 259
11 lbs down! 89 to go!
For the past 3 or 4 days, I have had severe tailbone pain. I still cannot sit on my butt or sit up straight at all. It has made it near impossible for me to get my miles in.
20 miles a day is a lot and it can take a long time to complete depending on how you do it.
I can usually power out 20 miles on the bike within two hours. But if I were to attempt 20 miles walking or on the elliptical, I would be in the gym all day.
Despite the lack of exercise the past few days, I still managed to get down 11lbs in 6 days so far! But it was hard because I haven’t been feeling my best this week.
On the plus side, I think I’m finally out of the woods when it comes to stabbing sugar withdrawl headaches though…
The Sugar Withdrawal
Did you know that when you completely cut sugar out of your diet after eating it on the daily, you go through a withdrawal?
Yes, sugar is like a drug. A drug of choice for most of us because it’s just so dang good!
When we consume sugar, we release endorphins (like a happy hormone) and that is how it can become like an addiction. We are addicted to the way it makes us feel.
Sugar isn’t only in donuts and candy. You get the same response when you eat cereal, pasta, bread, and gluten (amongst other things).
(This article is bomb when it comes to explaing sugar addiction, withdrawal and symptoms.)
When you cut sugar, gluten and processed carbohydrates out of your diet completely, you begin to go into a state of ketosis (hence the “Keto Diet” fad). Ketosis is pretty much using your fat stores for energy instead of the carbs/sugar you ingest.
And once you start living in a state of ketosis for a few days, you start to experience the symptoms of sugar withdrawal as your body gets accustomed to the new way of energy usage.
Being in the starting stages of ketosis feels like a mild flu, aka the keto flu.
Some symptoms include…
*muscle cramps
*intese sugar cravings
I went to bed around 10pm because I could no longer look at the tv, my headache was so blinding. I tossed and I turned all night long, muslces aching and head pounding. Don’t even get me started on the other symptoms that I’ve been feeling because it is just too much information!
Thankfully I know that this won’t last forever. I have gone through the sugar withdrawal enough times to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
God was so creative when it comes to the way that He designed our bodies. I want to use my body the way it was designed and live the healthiest life possible. I want to feel healthy.
I am almost out of the woods.
xo, S
Catch up on the whole series!>>
Day 1: The wakeup call, the game plan & the why
Day 2: The habits to break & symptoms to shake
Day 3: The fat girl revelations
Day 4: The scale obsession
Day 5: The temptations