This morning I woke up excited, because I was going to go to Disney Springs when it opened to buy the 50th Anniversary Disney Castle backpack and castle replica.
I got up earlier than usual, dropped my hubs off at work (because we share a car currently) and went home to kill some time by going to the gym for my daily workout.
First off, I don’t think I’ve ever pushed myself that hard in my life. The stair master makes me want to die, but I feel sooo good afterwards (minus trying to catch my breath and sweat drenching my clothes).
Thinking I was making good time, I headed to Disney Springs about 45 minutes before the stores open. To my surprise, there was a line WRAPPED AROUND THE BUILDING. I freaked out because I had been planning this trip and I was going to do anything in my power to get the merch I came for.
Little did I know, they didn’t even have it in stock because it’s sold out (and this is the 3rd time I’ve come looking for it!)
Needless to say, I was disappointed. BUT…
I had this revelation.
What if the time, energy and money I dedicate to being a Disney fan, I dedicated to myself?
Cause I think we all have things we are fans of or things that we lowkey obsess over. We spend countless hours scrolling on Instagram and Pinterest looking at the things we are interested in like clothes, makeup, accessories, hobbies, food, home decor, relationships, movies, music and ideas. We spend our money on those things. We spend our time thinking about those things. We go out of our way for these things.
What if we were that dedicated to ourselves and our health? What if we became our own biggest fan?
This hit me so hard today. If I’m willing to spend hours looking up Disney merchandise, plan my day ahead of time and get up early to get in line, and drop tons of money on the merch, what kind of changes would I see if I dedicated that kind of energy into myself?
I want to be my own biggest fan. I want to care about my body so much that I do my research, spend time learning about how to take care of it, plan my weeks around making myself healthier and stronger, spend money on improving myself and ultimately love myself unconditionally.

So I encourage you to honestly ask yourself, are you your biggest fan?
Because it shows and it is evident when you really do care about yourself. Become obsessed with loving yourself and bettering yourself, no matter the size or number on the scale.
Progress comes when you find your worth.
The Bible reminds me that God is where my worth is found, and He loves me without any conditions. So maybe I should do my best to love myself the same way.
I will now go out of my way to do things that will benefit me because I need to remember that I am worth it! And so are you!

Follow along on the journey!
Day 1 The Starting Over
Day 2 The Daily List
Day 3 The Screenless Meals
Day 4 The Expectations