Ever heard the phrase, out of sight, out of mind. Meaning, if it is not in your view, you won’t remember it.
For example, we had recently bought a ton of fresh organic veggies and grassfed meats a couple weeks ago. We got home from the grocery store and put them in the fridge. The back of the fridge. You know those hidden corners of the fridge that nobody sees cause you have the other stuff in the front blocking it.
We forgot some of those vegetables were even there, along with a bunch of other food we bought and it all went to waste.
Why? Because we couldn’t see it. Had the fresh veggies been front and center in the fridge, we would have seen them every time we opened the refrigerator door and used them.
The same goes for lists, at least for me.

I am a “lists” person. It helps me to organize my thoughts and my goals.
So as I was preparing to begin the 100 in 100 challenge again, I wrote out all of my goals. Things I wanted to accomplish physically and spiritually, little things I wanted to make sure that I completed during the day like household tasks, lofty goals that would take time to complete, etc.
So I came up with a list of 100 goals for my 100 days (some are daily and some are long term).
Some of them will be harder to complete than others and some are there just to help me form a daily routine and new habits, because I strive in routine.
I separated my goals into categories:
- No spending on anything other than necessity
- Put something in savings everyday (even if it’s just a dollar)
- No spending money on going out to eat
- Set aside $10 per pound that you lose (for new wardrobe)
- 45 minute workout 1
- 45 minute workout 2 (must be outside)
- Daily booty workout
- Ab workout every other day
- Mon/Wed/Fri (Arms)
- Tues/Thurs/Sat (Legs)
- Stretches
- Split stretches
- 22 Minute Hard Corp (Beach Body program)
- Weigh-in daily
- Daily progress photos
- Spend time in the Bible
- Spend time in worship
- Spend time in prayer
- Listen to one podcast or preaching
- Journal
- Speak Biblical affirmations
- 1 Gallon of water throughout the day
- No alcohol
- No caffeine
- No soda
- No gluten
- No dairy
- No sugar
- No soy
- Screen free meals
- Bone broth
- 2 cps veggies/leafy greens
- Probiotics (am)
- Probiotics (pm)
- Adrenals/Immunity supplements
- Candida cleanse
- No food after 6pm
- Drink a glass of tea
- Plan meals for tomorrow
- Screen free meals
- Apple Cider Vinegar drink
- Make bed
- Laundry
- Clean kitchen counters
- Vacuum
- No dishes left in sink
- Dishwasher load/unload
- Clean bathroom counters
- Clean toilet
- 1 intense clean a day (mop floors, clean shower, window ledges)
- Quick cleanup before bed (fix couch, fold blankets, dishes away)
- Don’t put it down, put it away (stay organized)
- Wake up 6am every morning
- Read one chapter of a non-fiction book
- Wash face
- Spend a little time outside
- Make Bed
- Brush teeth (am)
- Brush teeth (pm)
- Floss
- Vitamin C serum (am)
- Moisturize (pm)
- Pluck eyebrows
- Shower & exfoliate/dry brush
- Shave legs
- No heat on hair
- No toxic chemicals (perfumes, soaps/lotions, cleaning products)
- Do one act of self care (nails, facial, read book, etc)
- Spend one-on-one time with hubs (not tv)
- Encourage someone else/Keep better in touch
- Complete 72 hour fast once a month
- No cussing
- No negative self-talk
- Conscious of temper & attitude
- Lay out clothes for tomorrow
- In bed by 10pm (unless weekend)
- Write blog post
- Post on instagram
- Post on facebook
- Post in stories
- Interact with others on social media
- Create content for tomorrow
- Pin daily
- Save $1000-2000 monthly
- Lose 100lbs (Ultimate goal of 150)
- Buy whole new wardrobe
- Run a 5k
- Finish a Beach Body program
- Launch a youtube channel
- Read whole Bible in 100 days
- Get pregnant
- Buy/build a house
- Pay off debt
- Make monthly income from blog/youtube, etc
- Get stationary design up and running
- Read multiple books
- Go on adventures OFTEN
- Write and publish book
- Live a disciplined & organized lifestyle
- Organize every drawer, closet and cabinet
Many of you are now saying, GIRL YOU ARE NUTS!!!!
Why, yes, yes I am. But this is just how my brain works and processes things. Some of these goals just might not fit into your lifestyle or go well with how you like to get things done.
Most of these are daily goals that I have laid out in an excel spreadsheet that I’ve printed out and have on my fridge because out of sight, out of mind. That is why I always have a list in front of me.
I also fill out my excel spreadsheet on the computer daily by filling in each goal with a color once I’ve completed it. And over a long period of time, I will be able to see which areas I am doing better in than others.

I am expecting to have days where not every goal is met and I have to learn to be okay with that. I am teaching myself to live in the grey.
I don’t need to keep living in this black and white world of perfection or failure. There is a beautiful place in between called the grey, where if you make a mistake, you pick yourself up and try again.
That is the place that I want to thrive in.
This list of daily goals (and a few long term goals) is just a guideline to help me build different habits and a healthy lifestyle.
What are your goals? What daily goals can you write down today that will help to build healthy habits and get you to your finish line?
Only 98 more days to go! I’m gonna go check my list now to see what I need to get done. Haha