Day 1: 270
Day 31: 247
I may not be exactly where I want to be weight wise, but you know what? I’m a woman with fluctuating hormones, water weight and bloating. I cannot beat myself up over it because I will get to the finish line.
I’m learning that consistency is key.
We have all heard this a million times, but I am truly beginning to understand the weight of that.
It takes 3 months to get gluten completely out of your system and 6 months for the intestines to restore back to full health from the damage.
It takes up to 4 weeks to see muscle increase or tone from lifting weights.
It takes 3 months of consistently taking probiotics to begin restoring gut health.
It takes 3 months of taking supplements to assess whether you feel any benefits.
It takes 6-8 weeks to see signs of muscle development from doing squats.
It takes 21 days to form a habit.
Consistency really is the key!!
I have been reading a book called Miracle in the Middle by Charlotte Gambill, that talks about the hard middle parts of our journey toward any goal or dream.

We are so excited and motivated when we first start a journey. We are on fire and ready to go! We have no excuses. We have clear vision and all the motivation in the world.
“Yes, it is true that beginnings don’t last long, but for a moment in time they serve to propel us forward with high hopes and expectations. This gift of hope is what we as travelers must learn to harness, because it serves as something to hold onto when we reach the more challenging middle moments.”
We must write down and remember why we have begun the journey in the first place. Because eventually, we will need to be reminded.
But it is in the middle that we start to grow weary, get off track, lose our ferver and enthusiasm. We make excuses, we aren’t consistent, we lose heart.
In the middle of a journey, we lose motivation. We have setbacks that make us want to give up.
“The middle is where the static happens and wher eour once-clearn commitments are now compromised by circumstances that try to confuse and drown out the choices we had made.”
The middle is where we are truly tested, and that is where I am right now.
If you read earlier in the week, I had some extreme frustration. I wanted to give up. I cried all day feeling like I was making no progress.
Those days are bound to come in the middle of our journies.
Consistency is key.
Every day I remind myself why I am on this weightloss journey. And even though there are moments I want to give up, I remember the beginning and the “why”. I remind myself what God has spoken to me and what dreams He placed in my heart that I’m working for. I remember that I can rely on Him when it’s hard. It gives me that push that I need.
There are mornings I don’t want to wake up at 5:30am to work out, but I remember the beginning of the journey and the why.
There are days I don’t feel like reading my Bible and praying, but I remember the why. I am becoming more like Jesus the more I spend time with Him. I am getting filled up in the areas that I am empty in.
There are days I feel like eating gluten, sugar and a bunch of crap, but I remember my why and I remember the consequences.
I want consistency. I want to build habits, a lifestyle. I want to reach the finish line.
Because at the finish line, you will find that the ending of a journey is very similar to the beginning. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will have that rush of adrenaline to get you to that finish line. You know that the end is near and that all your valient effort was worth it.
“Endings are prizewinning moments that justify the price you had to pay to get there.”
So I beg to ask you, what things do you need to be more consistent with?
Ironically consistency was my “word of the year” and I believe I am starting to grasp that. Now is the time to hold on to hope and keep pushing towards the goal. The more consistent we are, the more results we are going to see. We will see more change, transformation and restoration when we live a life of consistency.
Consistency is key.
Til tomorrow,
xo S
Catch up on the journey so far! >>
Day 1: The Wakeup Call, the Game Plan & the “Why”
Day 2: The Habits to Break & Symptoms to Shake
Day 3: The Revelations of a Fat Girl
Day 4: The Scale Obsession
Day 5: The Temptations
Day 6: The Sugar Withdrawal
Day 7: The Personal Trainer
Day 8: The Noticeable Changes
Day 9: The Diet Mentality
Day 10: The Intervention & Motivation
Day 11: The Real Test
Day 15: The Navigation of Vacation
Day 16: The Setback
Day 18: The New Routine
Day 22: The Celebration
Day 24: The Gluten Attack
Day 27: The Mindful Eating Exercises
Day 29: The Extreme Frustration
Day 30: The Dirty Word: Discipline