Have your walls come down yet?
So many of us have built up walls around ourselves. Those walls may be a specific thing you struggle with, a problem that you are facing or something that God has promised you.
And for some reason, many of us just can’t seem to get the walls down. We can’t seem to break the habit, stay consistent, wait patiently or have faith that God will come through.
It reminded me of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
In order for them to get inside the walls and take over Jericho, God gave them extremely specific instructions that they had to follow. It wasn’t going to be easy. It would be tiring and straining.
It called for exact obedience.
God instructed them to walk around the perimeter of Jericho once for six days straight in complete silence.
On the 7th day, they were instructed to walk around Jericho seven times and on the 7th time, his men gave a great shout and the walls fell down and they took over the whole city.
When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city. Joshua 6:20
I think sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to go through the process. We want things right now. We want our prayers to be answered right now. We want our struggles to be fixed right now. We want to see results right now.
I think the Battle of Jericho is such a beautiful lesson of obedience and perseverance.
We need to be willing to stay true to the course no matter how long it takes, no mater what comes at us, because God always comes through when we are obedient.
Most of the time, our breakthrough is right around the corner. But sometimes we give up before we start seeing results.
I want to see our walls collapse. I want to be a Christian that can weather the hard times no matter how long it takes. I want to be faithful and true to the course, because I know that God is faithful.
God will break those walls down. He has proven it time and time again. We just need to be patient and obedient during the waiting process.
What is your Jericho? Have your walls come down yet?
Response Questions
1. What is your Jericho? (Your biggest struggle, the promise you’re waiting for, the thing you need to overcome)
2. What do you need to do to stay the course and stay obedient?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you that you are faithful to your promises to me. Thank you that you want to help me overcome my issues and struggles, that you want to answer my prayers, that you want there to be breakthrough in my life. Help me to be obedient, faithful and patient during my waiting process. I want to have joy on the journey. Help me to trust you above everything else because you always come through for me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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