What is a bucket list? Well, it’s a list of all the things you wanna do before you kick the bucket!
So many of us see a commercial on television for a gorgeous tropical resort and think to ourselves, “I would absolutely love to go there! It’s so beautiful.”
Some of us live in a super cool area but never ventured out to experience all the restaurants and entertainment the city has to offer.
Some of us love to create arts and crafts but never thought about turning it into a successful business.
Some of us are musicians who would love the chance to perform alongside our favorite artist.
Some of us just dream of having a cool car or beautiful house.
Whatever you may dream of, have you created your own Bucket List?
I think every human being should have their own Bucket List, to give us something to dream for and aim towards, to give us some adventure. And here’s how you come up with yours…
I Interests and Dreams
Think about what it is that you love.
Do you love to travel and want to visit the country that your family is from? Do you love fashion and want to own a dress by your favorite designer? Do you love food and have a list of restaurants you want to try? Do you love music and want to see your favorite band perform? Do you have a passion and want to make a business out of it? Do you love Disney and want to travel to all 6 Disney parks around the globe?
It all comes down to what you daydream about but never do. Start with what you love and find ideas that are outside the scope of your everyday life. Those are the things that get put down on your Bucket List.
II Be Realistic
Keep in mind that EVERYTHING is possible. But…that doesn’t mean everything on your list will be crossed off. Some of the dreams I had on my list, only happened by chance and were genuinely a miracle.
Sitting in the living room, eating my dino egg oatmeal before school in the 1st grade, I saw the episode of Full House. Oh, you know which one I’m talking about (The House Meets the Mouse Part 1 and 2)! The one where Michelle becomes princess for the day in Disney World and has her 3 wishes granted.
That was THE magical moment where I dreamed and hoped that I would one day become “Princess of the Day” (which is now referred to as The Grand Marshal). And folks, let me tell you something, that dream came true about 20 years later.
There is nothing too big or too small to add to your Bucket List. Just know that some things happen by chance and some things you have to take a chance to make them happen yourself. (Read about how I became the Grand Marshal of Magic Kingdom here)
III Write it down
For a long time, I had my Bucket List typed out and as I got older, my dreams got bigger in size and number. I rewrote my list dozens of times and you can always edit yours as well.
I’m the artsy fartsy type, so I like to write it out real pretty, have pictures attached, or use nice fonts.
Once you’ve figured out what your goals and dreams are, you can write them in any order you want. Personally, I think it’s best to write them in order starting from the least important and/or expensive to the grandest, big items.

IV Completion process
Start small. Save up for the smallest goals and complete the ones you know are absolutely possible and build your way up.
Sometimes the big ones just happen by chance, like when I got my dream Disney proposal or when I became Grand Marshal of Magic Kingdom. Majority of our personal Bucket List items will take a lot of time, money and patience. Don’t give up.
Get creative! There is no limit to what dreams and crazy goals you can have! It makes life an adventure!
Here’s just a glimpse of the first page of my bucket list! I have about 4 pages total to in mine!

>>If you are a Disney fan, check out some of our Disney bucket lists!
Cinderella Disney Bucket List
Little Mermaid Disney Bucket List
Beauty and the Beast Disney Bucket List
Ultimate Disney Bucket List
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