Does God trust you?
If you have a child who you’ve raised right, listens to what you say, is obedient and responsible, one would hope that they have earned your trust.
They are allowed to stay out longer, drive the car, hang out with friends, get a cell phone. Because you trust them. They have shown you through their actions that they are trustworthy, so they deserve more.
If you have a child who never listens and always bending the rules, you don’t reward them.
I think it’s like that in our walk with God.
He gave us the Bible as an instruction manual, as a book of promises, as a bunch of examples for us to learn and take truth out of, to correct us and train us. Do we follow it? Do we believe it? Do we actually put Him first?
The more time we spend with God, getting to know Him, getting to know His voice, allowing Him to correct us and restore us, allowing Him to use us and being obedient when He asks something of us…the more He trusts us.
God has asked me to pray for people when I’m at the store. I don’t do it.
God has asked me to rid my life of certain people and things. I don’t do it.
God has asked me to make changes in my life. I don’t do it.
God has asked me to tithe 10% of my income. I don’t do it.
God has asked me to apologize when I know I’ve done something wrong. I don’t always do it.
So, how can God reward and bless us when we don’t even obey the simplest things He’s asked of us? How can He ever trust us with more if we can’t even obey in the little things?
So many of us refuse to budge. We refuse to listen and be obedient even though God is just asking us to take baby steps.
For example, maybe you want to get a big promotion at work. You want to be successful with a big house and lots of money. But are you a good steward of your money right now? Do you tithe like the Bible tells us to? How can God reward you with success if you won’t do the little things He’s already asked of you?
What is the last thing you feel God has asked of you?
Luke 16:10 says, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.
The more trustworthy we are, the more God can trust us with. I want to be obedient and be trusted with more. I want more responsibility and promotion, I want to dream bigger and achieve more. I want to reach as many people as possible. But I can’t do any of that if He can’t trust me to be obedient in the little things.
One thing we do know is that God is trustworthy. No matter what. But we need to think about if we are trustworthy. Can God depend on you? Are you reliable?
The Bible shows us that God had trust
So, does God trust you?
Response Questions
1. Do you think you are trustworthy of big things?
2. What things do you know God is asking of you?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for not always being obedient in the small things. Help me to be obedient when you ask things of me. I want you to trust me and to use me for your glory. Help me to always be listening. I want to be faithful in the small things and the big things.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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