Do you live a double life?
I was sitting on our balcony, watching the sunrise as the wind rustled through the palm tress. And the thought came to my mind, you are living a double life.
I mean, obviously. I don’t have another separately life and family hidden away. Not that kind of double life.
I have a great amount of faith in certain areas. For example, I have seen God move tremendously in our finances. From a time when we had nothing, to a time that we whole heartedly trusted that God would provide for us. It took prayer, digging in the Word and professing life over that area of our lives.
I then realized I had a lack of faith for my own personal health. I believed for it for other people, but I wasn’t speaking life over myself. I wasn’t consistently praying over my health. I was whining about pain and symptoms and speaking in fear.
It was like I was living a double life. I was this strong woman of faith if it came down to God providing, giving us freedom and being true to His promises in those kind of ways. But I wasn’t a strong woman of faith if it came down to my own personal health. It was hard for me because I’m the one feeling the pain.
Many of us are like this. We are the strongest of believers when it comes to one thing, but completely lacking faith in another.
James 1:4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Sometimes we just need to persevere in the areas that we are lacking.
Perseverance requires work. If you are lacking faith like I was in believing for healing for myself, then you need to be searching the Word of God for answers, listening to teachings on healing, professing life over your body daily, praying and believing that God wants to heal you.
I don’t want to be one of those Christians that has immeasurable faith in certain areas and none in the other.
It’s like having a friend that can only give you relationship advice but won’t help you in any other areas of your life.
We need to be well-rounded Christians. Believing all of the promises of God, not just some of them. We need to be strengthening the areas of faith that we are weaker in.
When we persevere in those weak areas, it then makes us mature and complete, and then we aren’t lacking anything!
We will become some of the most dependable people on the planet. People will be able to come to us for any area of their life that they are struggling in because we have done the work and have strong faith in those areas. We will have the knowledge and experience to help others live their best life in Christ.
It’s time for us to rise up and correct our wrong thinking patterns, persevere, mature, and build up our faith to be able to do the same for others!
So, are you living a double life?
Response Questions
1. What areas are you strong in your faith? What areas are you weak?
2. How can you persevere and build faith in the weak areas?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for my lack of faith in certain areas. I believe that your Word is true and your promises for me are true. I want to persevere and mature in my faith. Help me to identify the areas I need to work on. I trust you more than anything. I pray that you would reveal yourself to me as I pursue you and as I build my faith. Thank you for being dependable. Thank you for sending your son to die for me so that I could have freedom in every area. I love you.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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