Do you know how good you have it?
I have recently been watching a docuseries about the Church of Scientology, a cult that promises answers and enlightenment in exchange for your privacy, your free will and your money.
I sat there watching these people share their stories of being abused and controlled, losing their entire life savings to be a part of something that gives you nothing but empty promises and fear. Losing their families, losing their money, and losing their free will.
Do you realize how good you have it?
We have it so good as Bible-believing, born-again Christians. We have a God who is so good and so loving. A God who cared so much about us that He sent His son to die for our sin, healing and redemption.
He even gave us an instruction manual for life, where everything is sound, trustworthy and real. The Bible is the only book where the author is in love with the reader.
What it says, we can believe.
What it tells us, we can do.
What it promises, we can have.
But do you take your faith for granted? Do you forget about the goodness of God or the freedom that belongs to you?
There are so many people out there who are participating in religions and sectors of faith that don’t make sense, that steals their money, that lie to them, that trick them, that don’t live up to their promises, that force rules and sacraments.
Other religions force rules and regulations so that you can go to heaven. Other religions worship hundreds of false gods that will never do anything for them. Some other religions still use abuse, fear and pain to get results. Other religions believe things that are so absurd, that contradict themselves, and that just don’t make sense.
What we have with Jesus is just so real and so freeing, that anything other than a personal relationship with Him is just a counterfeit.
Do you take your faith as a Christian for granted?
We are beyond blessed as Christians to have a God who is faithful to his promises. He doesn’t make us jump through hoops for forgiveness or to go to heaven. He gives us free will and doesn’t force us to serve him. He blesses us, provides for us, corrects us, heals us and transforms us. There is nothing negative you can say about God that has any credibility. He is perfect and he loves us perfectly.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 118:1
So as I watch this docuseries, I can’t help but thank God. Thankful for his goodness and his enduring love that never ends. He will never hurt me or betray my trust. He is wonderful, to a fault. He never fails me and I am so thankful to call myself a Bible-believing Christian.
I want to march right into the “Church of Scientology” and get them out of there! I want to tell them who God is and how much he loves them. I want justice for those who have been hurt, abused, stolen from, lied to, disconnected, declared suppressive persons or have been interrogated. I want them to hear the truth, the only truth that can set them free. Scientology is not of God, that is a counterfeit.
We have it so good. There is only freedom that comes from a true relationship with God. And that makes me just want to shout it from the rooftops, because this kind of love and freedom can belong to anybody.
Do you realize how good you have it?
Response Questions
1. What are some things that God has done for you?
2. Do you ever take God for granted?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for the freedom that comes from a relationship with you. Thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for me. You are so good and you never fail me. Remind me of your unfailing love. Give me strength to stand up for what I believe and to trust every word that you say. I love you more than anything.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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