Do you give your gifts away?
I had this dream once, where I had died and gone to heaven. And I was sitting and talking to Jesus. And he told me that I was meant for so much more during my time on earth, that I was supposed to give gifts to others. Not material gifts, but my gifts. It was as if I hoarded them and kept them to myself, meanwhile, I was supposed to be sharing my gifts with the world. Because that is what ultimately brings God the glory.
Your gifts were meant to give away.
You were specifically designed with a set of God given gifts. And the gifts and personality you have, have purpose.
So many of us walk around in life, keeping our gifts and talents to ourselves. But even the smallest, most insignificant gift (in your own eyes) might make a huge impact on our world.
Every gift, talent and passion can serve a purpose. And sometimes those gifts can be given and used in different seasons throughout your life.
I gave the gift of singing to help lead worship in church.
I gave my gift of faith to build up others when they couldn’t find faith themselves.
I used my gift of organization to help organize spaces for others.
I use my gift of creativity to design, paint and put together projects.
I use my gift of writing to develop this blog you’re reading now.
I give the gift of encouragement when I see someone in need of encouragement and truth.
I don’t use all my gifts at the same time. I give them away when the time calls for it.
Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
The Bible tells us to share what we have, whether material or not.
I don’t want to get to heaven and realize that I could have given so much more of myself away, to benefit others and bring glory back to the One who deserves it.
Nothing is insignificant.
You may be good with numbers. You may be good at teaching. You may be good at pioneering things. You may be inventive or creative. You may be motivating and training. You may be good at dancing or cooking. You may be good at organizing and cleaning. You may be good at listening or talking. You may be good at leading others. The possibilities are endless.
You have purpose. You have gifts that were meant to give away. You are so unique and created in this exact time for a reason.
Response Questions
1. What are your gifts? (even the little things)
2. How can you give those gifts away?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for the gifts you have given me. Help me to be conscious and aware of the gifts that you’ve placed in me. I want to be used by you. I want to give all that I have and bring you the glory. Help me to use my gifts and get to know my purpose. Thank you for the plan and future you have for me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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