Are you ashamed?
I was recently talking with a friend who is very much like myself. We are the same personality type. So when I talk, it feels like she actually understands my brain. And when she talks, I just wanna scream, “I totallllllly understand everything you are saying! I have felt that way too! You understand me!”
The other day, we were talking and I kept feeling the same overwhelming feeling of shame circle back into the conversation. The more I listened to what she had to say, I identified a season of my life where I used to feel the same type of shame.
As if God never forgave me and I never forgave myself.
There have been times and there will be times that we sin, that we fall short, that we make the same mistakes, that we trip up, that we do things we know we shouldn’t do.
No matter how much you try to make up for the mistake, it seems as if it won’t leave. It’s always replaying in your head. You’re constantly feeling remorse and beating yourself up over it. You keep God at a distance because you don’t understand Him, His forgiveness or His powerful love.
So many of us go through life still feeling guilt and shame for things we’ve done long ago.
It doesn’t matter how much you read the Bible, listen to sermons or try to be a good person. Especially because doing good works doesn’t get you into heaven.
Sometimes people say things to us and remind us of our past. Sometimes parents and friends unknowingly guilt us or tell us how we should be.
A lot of people who grow up in the church find that all they hear are a list of do’s and don’ts and they grow up learning to feel shame when they go against those rules.
God is not a list of rules and regulations. He doesn’t want us to feel like we are in a prison of guilt and shame. He died so that we wouldn’t feel that way! The Bible says He came to set us free from all of that!!!
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2
We. Are. Free.
Because of His forgiveness, we don’t have to live in shame anymore. Because of His redemption, there’s no more condemnation.
And if God has forgiven us and freed us from guilt and shame, we also need to forgive ourselves.
Understand the fact that Jesus forgave you and died for that very reason and when we ask for forgiveness, He no longer remembers our sin in the first place.
Forgive yourself and move on. Do better moving forward because you’re forgiven. Don’t keep living in the past or try to keep making up for it because you feel guilty.
Stop listening to others opinions of how you should live and listen to God’s opinions. Do better because He set you free. Be better out of your love for Him, not out of obligation or shame.
Be free, my friends.
So, are you feeling ashamed?
Response Questions
1. Do you feel shame or guilt in any areas of your life? Is there a pattern?
2. Have you asked God to forgive you? (Once you have, it is over and done with.)
3. How can I do better in that area moving forward?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for the things I’ve done wrong and help me to forgive myself. I want to move on and move forward. Thank you that you spirit of life has set me free from sin and death. Help me to live in that freedom. In Jesus’ name, I release guilt and shame from my life. Thank you for your grace. I love you and thank you that you cared enough to send Jesus to die for me. I can’t thank you enough.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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