![Devo #6 Which beast am I feeding?](https://i0.wp.com/happilyeverhufham.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/6-Quote.png?resize=512%2C768&ssl=1)
I remember being in Bible school and being posed this question.
Which beast are you feeding?
It ended up being one of the most meaningful questions. One that I ask myself on a daily basis.
I want you to imagine 2 dogs.
A white one and a black one.
If you only fed and exercised the black dog and ignored the white dog altogether, the black dog would become super strong. It would be a beast, strong, powerful and ready to attack if need be.
While the white dog who has been ignored becomes weak, fragile, and unable to fight.
We are all 3-part beings born with a spirit, soul (mind/will/emotions) and body (flesh).
Now, the white dog is your spirit. Once you’ve invited Jesus into your life, your spirit wants all things that revolve around God, goodness, peace, holiness, etc.
The black dog is your soul and flesh. Your feelings, your thoughts, your will, your body.
The easiest thing in life to do is feed the black dog. But, it’s not the right thing.
Feeding the black dog is easy because it satisfies you in the moment. It’s allowing your feelings to rule your life. Doing whatever feels good, whether that’s having sex outside of marriage, eating a dozen donuts in one sitting, getting angry about stupid things or smoking pot.
Most of the time, both of our dogs are about equal in weight and strength.
You spent time worshipping in your car and fed your spirit.
You got angry when someone cut you off and you cussed them out, regardless if they could hear you or not. You fed your flesh.
You go out of your way to pray for someone and fed your spirit.
You say hurtful things to your spouse and don’t apologize. You fed your flesh.
You cleaned the whole house and cooked your husband dinner just to bless him when he got home from work even though you felt like crap. You fed your spirit.
You had sex outside of marriage. You fed your flesh.
You had sex inside of marriage lovingly with your spouse. You fed your spirit.
What we should really be doing is starving the black dog. If we keep feeding our flesh, that is all our mind will revolve around and desire.
Can you imagine if we all only fed the white dog, our spirit? How different our lives would look?
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. Romans 8:5
Feeding only our spirits would force our thoughts, our bodies, our emotions to come in alignment with our Spirit. The Holy Spirit. It would force the black dog to obey the white one!
Nobody is perfect. We all sin, we all make mistakes. But we should strive to feed our spirits so that we become strong and able to face any single thing that comes our way.
Imagine if every Christian stepped up and strengthened themselves so that they were in control of their minds, emotions and bodies. The world would drastically change for the better.
But let’s start with today. Feed the right beast.
Response Journal Questions:
1. Which dog is bigger and stronger in my life?
2. In what ways have I been feeding my flesh (black dog)?
3. How can I feed my spirit and make changes this week?
Pray with me!
Father God, I know there are many ways I have fallen short and fed my flesh. Forgive me. I long to feed my spirit and desire what your Holy Spirit desires. Help me to be conscious of every decision I make. Help me to feed my Spirit and grow stronger. I want my spirit to be so strong that every other thing falls in line. Thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit to guide me and help me as I grow. Give me strength this week!
In Jesus name, amen!
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