Run to the Father // Cody Carnes
Have you ever just been sitting there and started thinking, “Wow. I haven’t felt God. I haven’t heard from him. I haven’t had any moments with him, in such a long time…or maybe even at all. I feel so far away from God.”
How far away from God am I?
There are times when we feel so far away from God. Maybe it’s because you are struggling with a certain habit or keep making mistakes. Maybe it’s because you are having doubts about God. Maybe it’s because you don’t ever spend time with him.
The thing is, God is never far away. He doesn’t run, he doesn’t distance himself from us, he doesn’t condemn us or shame us.
It’s us. We are the ones who run away from God. We push him away, distance ourselves and make up reasons for the lack of intimacy with him.
I had a season of my life where all I did was try to avoid God. I ran, I sinned, I felt ashamed, I doubted, I lacked faith, I didn’t spend any time with him. I felt so far away from God that I should just stay away.
But God.
He doesn’t leave us. He doesn’t run away no matter the circumstances.
Maybe the reason we feel far away from God is because we don’t know him. And to know him, is to spend time with him.
We can’t expect to feel something every time we pray, worship, go to church, or read the Bible. We rely on the “feelings” so much that we forget the truth.
The truth is that nothing will ever separate us from God’s love. Nothing.
You are the only roadblock standing in your own way. So get out of the way!
When you learn and trust who God is and stop questioning if he loves you, if he’s good, if he wants you to be healed, if he wants you to have peace, if he’s faithful, that’s when you can finally stop asking that question “How far away from God am I?”
And when you stop asking that question, you will just know that no matter what, you are never far from God. God just wants us to trust that he’s there regardless of how it feels.
Feelings will constantly lie to us. That’s why we rely only on the truth, that nothing in the world can separate us from God’s love.
Romans 8:38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
You are not far from God. He is right there and has never left. Take that step towards him today and act on it.
It’s just like if you are dating someone or married to them. You have to talk and spend time with them daily, getting to know them more and continue to build intimacy. God wants us to spend intimate time with him so we get to know him on a deeper level.
So the answer to the question…how far away from God are you?
You are not far from God. You never have been, because God never left and no matter what it feels like. God is right next you. In front of you. Behind you. Around you. You are never, ever alone or separated from God.
Response Journal Questions:
1. In my own head, what do I think is separating me from God?
2. How can I work on believing truth over my feelings?
3. How can I actively get closer to God today?
Pray with me!
Father, I run to you. Thank you that nothing in the world can separate me from your love. Help me to know who you are on a deeper level. Help me to get over my feelings and remember that you are never far away. I want to draw close to you. I want to know you. Thank you that you pursue me and that you never leave me. I give you all of me today and I ask that you would reveal yourself to me the more we spend time together. I love you. Thank you for not giving up on me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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