Judgy people are the worst, aren’t they? Don’t you hate when you are out and about and you get a weird look from a stranger? A judgemental comment from a friend or family member?
I hate going to the gym when there are “beef heads” in there grunting and screaming and throwing down weights. Blasting their hideous music. Walking around like they own the place.
Whoa, Sierra. You sound judgemental.
That is absolutely correct. And recently I felt God convicting me about it.
All of us are judgemental to a certain degree, some more dangerously judgemental than others.
The fact of the matter is, we are all human. We all are made of flesh and bone, have struggles and have gone through our own certain experiences. So who am I to judge somebody else?
Maybe the guy in the gym used to be overweight and works super hard for his accomplishments. Maybe he has a really terrible job and the only way to relieve the frustration is by screaming at the weights. Maybe he doesn’t have any friends and the loud music drowns out the loneliness. Or maybe he just doesn’t care.
Regardless, it just doesn’t matter. We all have judgemental tendencies and it is not our job to judge. It’s our job to love.
Do not judge by appearance [superficially and arrogantly], but judge fairly and righteously. John 7:24
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1
If I hate being judged by others so much, why do I then judge others?
Some judge others based on their political affiliation, skin color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, sin, weight, style, outward appearance, and a million more things.
But it is not our job to judge. Or we too will be judged.
I had the recent revelation that we judge others so harshly because sometimes we think they are judging us too.
I want to be known for being a loving and accepting person. It’s not our job to change people or judge them. It’s our job to love them and God can take care of the rest. We are supposed to judge fairly and righteously.
Remember, Jesus died for those people too. So instead of judging that beefhead at the gym, or the guy who cut you off in traffic, or your rude cashier, think about how Jesus looks at them.
In God’s eyes, they are loved, despite how they appear to our human eyes. See the good in people. Cause we certainly don’t want people sitting there judging us!
Remember, we don’t have to like everyone, what they do or how they act. But we must love them with a Godly love regardless. Especially because we will never know what they are going through personally.
It’s about time we get out of our heads and stop being judgy Christians.
Response Questions
1. Do you judge others and do you notice a pattern in the types of people you judge?
2. How can you actively train yourself to stop judging others?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for judging others for any reason. I want to look at others with a pure outlook. Help me to view others like you would. Help me to see the good in others and love them with a Godly love. Help me not to care what others think of me and to only care what you think. Thank you for your grace and unconditional love.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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