![Devo #11 Do you represent the gospel well?](https://i0.wp.com/happilyeverhufham.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Devo-11-Quote.png?resize=512%2C768&ssl=1)
If you read yesterday’s devo, it was challenging. So make sure you read Devo #10 before reading today’s!
We asked the hard question…
Are you ready?
Ready to preach the gospel or pray with someone at any given moment.
But today I want to talk about something that goes along with that.
Being ready to preach the gospel is one thing, but do you represent the gospel?
Everywhere we go, we are Christians. That doesn’t change based on how you act or what you do.
So, everywhere you go, can people tell that you’re a Christian?
Is every word coming out of your mouth a cuss word? Are you spending most of your time at the bar or getting drunk with your friends? Are you flicking people off at red lights? Are you getting sassy with your waitress or cashier? Are you wearing clothes that show things only your husband should be seeing? Are you giving people dirty looks when you’re in the store?
None of us are perfect, but it is our job as Christians to represent Jesus, especially when we are out in public. Because that could be an opportunity to show God’s love and share Jesus with someone.
It is possible to ruin your credibility with people. And that’s scary.
I had a friend a while back that I used to spend all my time with when I was going through my “wild phase”. I was obviously still a Christian, I had just being doing things I know I shouldn’t of. We would occasionally get drunk together and party on the weekends.
I was picking and choosing when I acted like a Christian.
And when I decided to share the gospel with her months later, she told me that I had lost my credibility with her because of the lifestyle I was living. She didn’t understand how I could be a Christian and still continue to do those things. It didn’t make sense to her.
That changed the way I lived my life. Because no matter where you are, if you call yourself a Christian, you are representing Jesus. Don’t ruin that credibility with people.
Eventually, I did end up leading this girl to Jesus and her life is completely different now. But, it took months of me getting my life together and becoming someone who reflected Jesus. And she had to see that before she could make that decision herself.
What do you think of when you think of a Christian? I think of someone stable, dependable, vibrant, wise, kind and loving. I don’t think of a drunk, I don’t think of someone who sleeps around, I don’t think of someone who does drugs, I don’t think of someone that cusses people out, I don’t think of someone who constantly yells at people.
2 Corinthians 3:18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
We. Are. Not. Perfect.
We will never be perfect, but it is our job to wear the name Christian with pride and honor.
I want to reflect Jesus everywhere I go, to everyone I come in contact with. And I want to become more and more like him every single day.
It’s time to be a walking representation of Jesus.
Are you with me?
Response Journal Questions:
1. Do you think you represent the gospel well?
2. Is there anyone in my life that I’m not reflecting Jesus to when I’m around them?
3. What do you think you need to work on so that you represent Him better?
Pray with me!
Father God, I want to represent you. I want to be a walking reflection of Jesus. I know that I am far from perfect, but I ask that you would reveal to me what it is that I need to work on. I want to be teachable. Show me where I’ve fallen short in this area. I want to live a life where people see You in me. Help me to reflect your glory.
In Jesus name, amen.
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