![Devo #10 Are you ready?](https://i0.wp.com/happilyeverhufham.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Devo-10-Quote.png?resize=512%2C768&ssl=1)
*This may start out with the basics you already know, but halfway through this devo, you may be starting to feel quite a bit of conviction. Just wait for it… 🙂
Becoming a Christian is a HUGE event in your life, it ultimately alters your destiny. And when we get saved (by asking Jesus into our hearts and believing he died for our sins, having a personal relationship with God), we now know that when this world is over, we are going to heaven to be with Jesus. A luxury many people die without.
People lay on their deathbeds wondering “What’s next?“, “Where am I going?“, “Was I good enough to make it into heaven?“, “Is there even an afterlife?”, “What if I go to hell?”
Don’t those questions make you sad? For a lot of people, death is scary. It’s unknown. It’s something they don’t understand.
The Bible is so clear on this subject.
There is a heaven and there is a hell. There is no “in between” or purgatory. It’s not based on how good or bad you have been. It comes down to one simple action.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
And when we do this, our destiny changes. There are no more questions as to where we are going after we die or if we are good enough to make it into heaven.
Jesus didn’t die for no reason. He died to cleanse us of all our mistakes, shame, sin, sickness, and depression. He came to make us new.
Christian literally means “little Christ”.
No, we aren’t literally Jesus, but when we get saved, he lives in us. Which means it’s our job to represent him here on the earth.
It’s our job not to keep Jesus to ourselves. It’s our job to bring other people with us to heaven. It’s our job to show people the love of Jesus. It’s our job to make disciples.
So I’m going to ask you this hard question…
Are you ready?
If presented with the opportunity today, are you ready to preach the gospel?
Are you prepared to tell people about what Jesus did on the cross and how he wants to restore their lives?
Or are you scared?
Do you not know what to say? Do you know how to pray with people? Do you know how to tell people the story about how God changed your life?
My challenge today is to ask yourself these painful questions.
What kind of Christian are you being if you keep the power of Jesus to yourself?
It might seem scary at first but we are better than this. We need to rise up for the Gospel, because it is what will change people’s lives and destinies. It will change the course of this country.
We need to be prepared at any second because people’s lives are in the balance.
You may have the opportunity to share the gospel in line at the grocery store, at the gym, at work or with a friend.
Maybe you spend majority of your time with only Christian people, so who are you ministering to?
Or maybe you have had a great group of friends for a long time and you know they aren’t Christians. What’s taken you so long to share the gospel with them?
This is painful to hear and believe me, I am right there with you.
But we need to be ready at any time to talk about Jesus, show Jesus to others and pray with people.
Everywhere you go, you are a “little Christ” and we always need to be ready and looking for opportunities to share it.
So… Are you ready?
Response Journal Questions:
1. Am I ready and prepared to share the gospel at any moment?
2. What’s stopping me?
3. What can I do to prepare myself? (Examples: grow in confidence, practice sharing my testimony, practice a short and sweet gospel sharing, pray more with others out loud, etc)
4. Name someone you can start ministering to that you know needs Jesus
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for dying on the cross for me and making me new. Thank you that I can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am going to heaven. Forgive me for not sharing it with others as much as I should be. I don’t want to keep it to myself. Help me to grow in this area. Help me to develop and grow in confidence when it comes to sharing the gospel. Lord, I ask that you would point out people to me and prepare me. I don’t want to keep the power of Jesus to myself, I want to share it. Help me to be open and help me to be obedient. I love you and I pray you would put the the urgency to share your Word in my heart.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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