As we start this new year, I wanted to develop a devotional that would actually challenge me daily. And if you’re willing, a devo that would force you to grow, challenge and sharpen you, and ultimately pull you closer to Jesus.
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Every day. Here. Released every morning at 7:00am.
Let’s do this together!
Get out your prayer journal and Bible. Ask yourself the questions and respond. Take this short time everyday to get your mind in the right place and draw closer.
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
A lot can happen in a year.
And when a new year arrives, we get excited. We set goals and go after them for a few months, if that.
I don’t know how many times I said to myself, “I’m gonna get so close to God this year. I’m going to read my Bible everyday (or even the whole thing cover to cover). I’m gonna pray more. I’m going to tithe. I’m gonna go to church every week. I’m going to be such a good Christian. I’m gonna kick that habit.”
It would last for a few weeks and during those few weeks, I would feel so good. I felt lighter and full of joy. But as time went on, I made excuses.
We need to renew our minds daily. Harder said than done.
When I read Romans 12:2, I think of so many things. The obvious call to “not conform to the pattern of this world”. But maybe it means more than just that.
The world gives up so easily. It procrastinates. It comes up with excuses.
I’m too tired. I don’t have time. God doesn’t talk to me anyways. Who cares if I tithe?
Then it tells me to “be transformed by the renewing of my mind”. Well, how do I do that?
You have to make a decision. A pretty big one.
Who is more important…me or God? Ouch.
And there is so much wisdom crammed into one little verse.
1: Do not conform to the pattern of the world–
What are the roadblocks and excuses that will stop you from achieving those goals this year?
2: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind–
How do you renew your mind and what does that look like for you?
My personal example, every morning, I take a half hour to read my Bible, pray and worship. I keep track of it with a little prayer journal. I have completely cut out trashy television shows and spend significantly less time with my phone.
Renewing our minds is a daily thing. You cannot renew your mind if you aren’t spending time with God. I like to think of my morning time as “washing myself in the Word”.
3. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
When you refuse to conform to the patterns of the world, transform yourself daily by renewing your mind, you are then able to figure out what God’s perfect will for your life is. And you can live accordingly!
Doesn’t that make life so much easier?! You can’t go wrong when you just know God’s will for your life. Knowing that it is perfect and it pleases him.
The more we renew our minds, the more we figure out and live out God’s will.
It’s all an equation!
A lot can happen in a year. Just wait and see the transformation.
>>Read How to Make the Best of Your Year to see how to set and attain goals for the year!
Get out your journal and answer these questions:
What are your goals for this year spiritually?
What are the roadblocks and excuses that will stop you from achieving those goals?
How can I renew my mind daily and what does that look like for me?
Pray with me!
God, I come to you and I yearn to be closer with you this year. I want this to be a year that I seek you and find you. Help me not to conform to the patterns of this world and help me to identify the areas I need to work on. Help me to make you a priority and not just an option. Transform me. Renew my mind every single day. Help me to know and discern what your will is for me. This is the year I will grow closer to you than ever before. You are enough for me and I surrender myself to you wholly. I love you.
In Jesus’ name.
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