Are you wasting time?
When I go to sleep at night, my mind races. I think and analyze and dream. My brain just won’t shut up.
But a lot of times, I think about how different my life would be had I started or been consistent all these years.
What if I had lost the weight 15 years ago?
What if I had pursued God fervently and consistently 20 years ago?
What if I had gotten my life together earlier?
What if I had started the blog earlier? What if I had been more consistent?
What if I had married Brandon earlier?
Was I wasting time all these years?
Well the answer is yes…
I believe a lot of us wait for the perfect time, the perfect circumstances, the perfect environment, the perfect amount of money. And we make the perfect excuses.
There is no perfect time.
We don’t pursue our health, our dreams, or even God because of our need for everything to be right.
We are wasting time.
I wish I would have gotten healthy with my weight years and years ago so that I could have enjoyed being healthy and active in my twenties. I wish I would have gotten my life together earlier and maybe I would have met Brandon earlier. I wish I would have learned how to manage my money in my teens so that I had a bigger savings. I wish I would have spent more time with grandparents and relatives. I wish I would have pursued God and refused to allow anything to distract me.
Life is short. We don’t get time back. And I think sometimes we need reminded of how fleeting life is to remind us to make the most of our time.
Ephesians 5:15-17 So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.
We need to learn what the Lord wants us to do and run with it. We need to learn to be consistent, set goals and achieve them.
Every single day counts. We could get so much farther, grow so much more, be completely different people if we stopped wasting time and making excuses.
Don’t shame yourself for all the things you haven’t done or wished you would have done. The past is the past.
Now is the time. NOW is the time to move forward and farther. All those things you have put off. All the things God has asked you to do. All the dreams that have been left asleep. It’s time to wake them up and run with them.
I want to know that when my time on earth is done, that I made the most of my time here. That I didn’t have regrets, especially with how I used my time.
Are you wasting time?
Response Questions
1. What things did you let pass by because you were wasting time? (Examples: putting off school, paying off loans, losing weight, getting
2. What do you want to pursue and stop wasting time with?
3. What can you actively do to make those things happen?
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