Are you proud of your today?
You know how they say, live every day like it’s your last?
That statement challenges me.
The Bible tells us not to worry about tomorrow but to deal with your “today” problems.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34
So many of us are worrying about our future. We worry about paying bills, getting sick, building our families and all the troubles that life tends to bring. We are always measuring things on a future timeline.
But what about your today? Did you make the most of it?
When I got married, I vowed to myself to make sure that every single day, my husband knew he was completely loved. I didn’t want one day to go by that I regretted how it ended.
But what if we had this mindset of making the absolute most out of every single morning that we wake up?
Determined to pursue God. Determined to persevere, to conquer, to be our best, to love other, to make the most of our money and our time…today.
Life might look a whole lot different for us if we solely focused on each day as it came. Of course we do things to benefit our future, but we live our lives to the best of our ability today. Especially because tomorrow is never promised.
What can you conquer today? What habit can you squash today? What can you do today to show love to others? What can you do to be most productive with your time today?
We can do so many things today that can prepare us for tomorrow. Because tomorrow is right around the corner.
Let’s end every single day knowing that we made good decisions and did everything we could to be best version of ourselves.
But let’s just focus on the now and end this day being proud of our today.
Response Questions
1. Are you proud of the way you live your life day to day? Ending the day knowing you did your best?
2. What do you need to change to make the most of your every day?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for the days I have wasted. Help me to use my time, resources and decisions to the best of our ability. I want to make the most of my life for your glory. Give me wisdom on how to do my best today. Thank you for another day of life.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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