Are you overcoming?
I was watching tv recently when I realized God was speaking to me.
“Being aware of your crap and overcoming your crap are two completely different things,” the character said.
It is painful but true.
Most of us are aware of our issues, our habits, our attitudes, our sin, our shortcomings. And sometimes we think that being aware of them is a way of fighting and overcoming them.
But it’s not.
Being aware of your issues and overcoming your issues are two different things.
You may know that you have anger issues and are aware of why, but that is not conquering them.
You may understand that you have an addiction and are aware of the consequences, but that is not any closer to overcoming it.
You may know that you struggle with anxiety, but that is not overcoming the root problems.
There are a million different scenarios. And in most cases, we all know that we have stuff we need to work on, change and fix in our lives. We may talk to therapists, friends or family about it. And somehow we think that talking about it is part of overcoming it.
But maybe we are just talking about and thinking about our problems to death, when the answer is more clear than we realize.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Jesus said that in Him we have peace, even though He already knows we are going to have problems and issues. But He gives us hope that He’s overcome the world.
Well, why is it important that Jesus overcame the world? Because, Jesus lives in us! That power is in us when we accept Him.
So if Jesus overcame the world (sin, issues, addiction, emotions, problems), then we can too. But sometimes we need His help more than anything else.
We need to remember that He already overcame depression, sickness, anxiety, stress, emotional problems, heartbreak, addiction, disease. Anything and everything you can think of that is your personal hurdle.
Stop only being aware of your crap. Overcome it. Let Jesus step in and join with you on overcoming it all.
Start speaking life over yourself. Start claiming that you have overcome. You are a warrior on the winning side!
Are you overcoming?
Response Questions
1. What issues are you aware of that you have?
2. How can you partner with Jesus and overcome those things?
Pray with me!
Father God, thank you for sending Jesus to die for me and overcome the world for me. Thank you that with Jesus, I can do anything! Help me not only to be aware of my crap but to overcome it too. Help me to rely on you more than anything else. You are so good to me. I want to partner with you and be all that you’ve called me to be. I love you.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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