Are you observant?
I remember the days of Bible school andof being a missionary, that people were always going out of their way to fill needs. We had to set up chairs, mop the floors and bathrooms, make food, hand out coffee, go on outreaches, talk to people who were all alone, greet people at the door, amongst many different things.
I used to think, well, that’s not my “job”. I just did the minimum that was expected of me.
But I was missing the mark completely.
The most effective, successful, inspiring people go above and beyond what is asked of them.
That means that they go out of their way to do good and to fill needs, whether it’s been asked of them or not. And that is why they are effective, successful, and inspiring.
Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
The key is that we must be observant. Looking for ways to go above and beyond. Looking for ways to serve others. Looking for ways to do good.
I wish I would have learned this lesson earlier in my life.
I saw it in my parents growing up, how they always went above and beyond for their family and in ministry.
I see it in my husband with work, how he goes above and beyond for his supervisors and they acknowledge it to the company.
I see it with my friends and their businesses, going above and beyond for their clients.
It’s time we look around and fill in the needs around us… in our families, with our friends, in our churches and communities.
And when we do go above and beyond to do good around us, God blesses that effort. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
So, are you observant?
Response Questions
1. Are you observant to the needs around you?
2. What stops you from going above and beyond in everything you do?
Pray with me!
Father God, help me to constantly be looking for ways to do good and fill needs around me. I want to be used by you and for you. Help me to make going above and beyond a lifestyle. Help me to serve others selflessly. Thank you for everything you do for me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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