Are you living every day like it’s your last?
My husband came home one morning recently and said he just wants to start living every day like it’s our last.
I was surprised by this. He went on to tell me that despite how crazy the current world is around us, that we really should take advantage of every single day together. Because, well, life is short.
I sat there and pondered the thought for a while. Many of us are wasting our days when we should be using them!
We need to stop being so focused on planning for the future, even though it’s wise to be prepared. But we shouldn’t be worrying about what tomorrow may bring.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
If the Bible went out of the way to tell us to stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on today, it must be important.
We need to be pursuing God today. We need to be forgiving today. We need to forgive today. We need to be obedient to what God has asked of us today. We need to share the gospel today. We need to make every second count.
Why do we keep putting off things for tomorrow that we could be doing today?
I challenge you to start thinking with a today mindset. We need to be making the most of every single minute that we have. We need to stop wasting our time worrying about tomorrow and just tackle this day.
Maybe we need to start asking God how we should be spending our days and how to use them to the fullest potentional.
We never know when this life will be over. I refuse to spend another minute in fear, worry or anxiety about things that could happen. I want to enjoy today and go to bed every night thinking that I spent my day well.
Are you living every day like it your last?
Response Questions
1. Do you spend every day like it’s your last or do you spend time worrying more about the future?
2. How can you start making the most of today?
Pray with me!
Father God, I do not want to worry about tomorrow. Help me to make the most of today. I wanto to enjoy my life instead of living in fear and worry of what’s to come. Give me clarity on how I should spend my days. Help me to seek you and find you every single day. I give you all of me and surrender my will to you.
In Jesus’ name, men.
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