Are you feeling rejected?
I was talking to a girlfriend recently and she was telling me all about her love life, or rather, her lack of one. How people who just stop talking to her, make up excuses or just disappear from her life. It’s hard! I remember those days! She shared about how she felt rejected and like she may never find someone at all.
My heart exploded because I knew the truth.
Sometimes a “no” isn’t a rejection, but a redirection, I told her.
She stopped dead in her tracks, “Whoa…I need to write that down. That is so good!”
For years, I myself felt rejected by boys, by friends, by jobs, by auditions or roles that I had wanted, and I had to remind myself that God isn’t saying no to reject me but to redirect me to where I am supposed to be.
If everything went our way all the time, we would never end up where we are supposed to be. We would never become who we were meant to be. And maybe that thing was never meant for you.
And sometimes it may feel like we are getting rejection after rejection after rejection. But be thankful for that rejection because it was redirecting you where you were supposed to be heading.
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9
Many of us have our own ideas about what our life should look like. We ask God for His best in our lives but also want what we want too. And a lot of the time, those two things conflict.
God allows us to make our own decisions with our free will. He doesn’t force anything on us, but He does protect us.
And that’s what you may feel as “rejection”.
Remember, a no from God is not a rejection, it’s a redirection.
Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, God redirected me to something better.
Trust that God has the best in mind for you. He tells us He has a plan and purpose for us that is hopeful. And no matter how much rejection you feel, trust that God has His hand on you and is directing your steps.
We need to be thankful for a Father who cares enough to protect us from everything we “think” is good for us. Because most of the time we are wrong. We may make our own plans and have our own ideas, but the Lord directs our steps.
Don’t allow yourself to sit in that feeling of rejection, because believe me, I know it can be very easy to do. You are accepted, loved and treasured.
So, have you been feeling rejected?
Response Questions
1. What “rejections” have you noticed in your life recently?
2. Where do you think God was trying to redirect you?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for trying to make my own plans, especially ones that don’t involve you. Thank you for your guiding hand and protection. Help me not to feel rejected. Thank you for constantly watching out for your children. Help me to align my desires with Your desires. Thank you for your goodness and unconditional love. I trust you every step of the way.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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