![Devo #57 Are you drifting? Happily Ever Hufham](https://i0.wp.com/happilyeverhufham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Can-I-pray-for-hatred_-14.png?resize=342%2C512&ssl=1)
Are you drifting?
Did you know that if you go even just one degree off course, after a while, you will end up miles away from your desired destination?
So many of us are drifting and without even realizing it.
You may not realize it because you are drifting such a tiny amount. But in the long run, years from now, you will be completely off course.
What does drifting look like?
Watching a tv show that has some suggestive things you know you shouldn’t be watching.
Gossiping with a coworker about someone at work.
Not reading your Bible consistently.
Making excuses for skipping church.
Spending money you don’t have.
The list goes on.
So many Christians are going off course, only by the slightest degree. Allowing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But it will lead them to the wrong destination.
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24
It is so important that we stay on course because it brings the glory back to God and gets us to the right destination.
It is not about us and what we want. When you don’t stay on course, you will find that you drift into things that were never meant for you.
Watching a tv show you shouldn’t be watching, over time, may lead you into a thought pattern that leads you into temptation in the future.
Spending money on things you don’t need, over time, may lead you into debt that you have trouble paying off in the future.
Making excuses for skipping church, over time, may keep you from making lifelong friendships and community.
Talking to someone where, over time, you give too much of your heart away when they weren’t meant for you.
What small things are you allowing in your life that may alter your destiny?
I want to end my year knowing I stayed the course and that I didn’t drift, even by the smallest degree. I want to live a life worthy of my calling. I want to live a life where everything points back to Jesus. How about you?
Are you drifting?
Response Questions
1. What areas do you notice that you are drifting and need to correct the direction?
2. How can you correct those things?
Pray with me!
Father God, forgive me for allowing little things to take me off course. I don’t want to drift. I want to live a life where everything points back to you. Help me to correct my direction. I want everything that I do to give you glory. I want to stay the course. Give me conviction when I need to correct something. Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for the purpose and calling you have on my life.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
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